Our Mission and Statement of Principals

Our mission is to encourage intentionally inclusive communities while providing resources and support to individuals who live with Down syndrome and their advocates.

Statement of Principles

We believe every person has inherent worth and dignity regardless of ability or disability.

All individuals have the right to direct their future; have control over how they live their lives, where, and with whom; and have authority over the resources that support them.

Individuals who have Down syndrome, their families, professionals, service providers, and the general public should receive accurate and timely information about the rich lives of individuals who have Down syndrome from prenatal diagnosis through birth, childhood, and adulthood.

Everyone concerned for individuals who have Down syndrome and for those who have similar needs should work together for the common good of all and speak with a unified voice to our legislators and public officials.

Individuals who have Down syndrome should be educated, be employed, live and play in the same classrooms, the same enterprises, the same living spaces, and the same activities where people would go if they did not have Down syndrome. Toward this end, DS ACT supports federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies that provide accommodations and support in natural community settings – in particular:

  • full implementation of the goals of the PJ Settlement Agreement

  • Medicaid Home and Community Based Services Waivers with adequate state funding of supports for competitive employment and independent living in the community

  • the closure of the Southbury Training School and other publicly funded, congregate living groups and sheltered workshops that segregate individuals who have developmental disabilities

  • “Employment First” policies that provide equal access to meaningful, purposeful jobs at the state minimum wage or greater

  • equal access to health care and health insurance without regard to the diagnosis of Down syndrome

  • equal access to the retirement, eldercare, and long-term care resources, facilities, and programs that serve the general population